We ♥ September: time for new healthy routine

At this time of the year, I am all work up on fixing the house, eating healthy and starting my fitness routine again... Hope the September buzz doesn't fizzle out too quickly! 

To start up my "wellness journey", I will be inspired by simplegreensmoothies.com. Have a look, it's full of infos on colorful smoothies packed full of leafy greens, fresh fruits and hydrating liquids that keep you nourished. I need all the antioxidants, and essential vitamins and minerals I can get.

To keep it up, I will be looking up daily on instagram at healthyfoodandexercise and fitfluential_AE. There is so much on the social media platform to get inspired by. And in my shopping trolley, I will make sure to add chia seeds, acai berries, available at Organic Foods And Cafe. And on monday I will start my yoga routine again, twice a week at yogalatesblissindubai.com. Happy September everyone!