Taking the Pledge for Breast Cancer Awareness
As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, K-Lynn the lingerie specialist in collaboration with the Dubai London Specialty Hospital has set a wonderful project. ‘Taking the K-Lynn Pledge’ is a community initiative set up to promote the importance of mammogram screening tests and raise awareness of breast cancer care throughout October.
How do we take the pledge? Easy!
1.Visit the K-Lynn lingerie store at Mall of the Emirates
2.Have your picture taken or sign a K-Lynn postcard for the “K-Lynn Pledge Wall” – which will create the window display in K-Lynn for the entire month of October.
3.Take your K-Lynn Pledge bag, which includes:
A voucher for a free of charge breast check including mammogram and sonogram (if required) at the Dubai London Specialty Hospital. Also a “Pledge ribbon” showing your support for having ‘Taken the K-Lynn Pledge. And a “Pledge Card” - on the reverse of which are details of how to promote the pledge and play a real part in this community initiative – i.e. tagging on Facebook, changing Facebook status, changing BBM status, Tweeting about the K-Lynn Pledge.
“Mammography is our best tool for early detection: finding breast cancer in its earliest stages, when the cancer is most treatable. Combined with your doctor’s breast examination and your own breast self-exam, mammography can save your life – and that’s why we’re encouraging the women of the UAE to ‘Take the K-Lynn Pledge.’”
Dr. Anna Sepiolo, MD, PhD, Spec. Dip. Obs/Gynae Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist.