Dubai our Sandbox

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Apple Chips

Yesterday we tried to make apple chips. The result was not perfect, but now we know how to improve for next time! I need to get a mandoline to slice thinly the apples and bake the apples a little longer.

What you need
2 gala or granny smith apples
2 tbsp sugar
½ tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp lemon juice

How to
Turn the oven on 80C.  Fill a bowl with 1 cup cold water and the lemon.  Slice the apples with a mandoline, place in lemon water bowl. This prevents premature browning of the apples. Use cookie cuter if you want fun shapes.  Then line a baking sheet with parchment paper  and place the apple slices on the sheet after shaking off the excess liquid off it.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.  Push it into the oven for 1h30, until the apple slices are crisp.